IPU/PNND Handbook: Supporting Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament

National Legislative Measures to Further Nuclear Abolition
a briefing paper by the World Future Council that explores national legislative measures that outlawed nuclear weapons in New Zealand, Mongolia, Austria and Philipines.
Creating the Conditions and Building the Framework for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World
a briefing paper produced by the Middle Powers Initiative in February 2013 for the Berlin Framework Forum. The paper considers the question of conditions for a nuclear weapons-free world (as pre-conditions for negotiations or conditions that would need to be addressed in negotiations), issues of strategy and process, as well as design relating to building the framework for a nuclear weapons free world. See also www.middlepowers.org.
Securing our Survival: The Case for a Nuclear Weapons Convention
a book written by the principal drafters of the Model Nuclear Weapon Convention (NWC) that was circulated in the UN in 2007. The book explains the concept of a NWC, explores comprehensive and incremental-comprehensive approaches for nuclear abolition, includes a summary and the full text of the Model NWC, and a section of Questions & Answers on critical issues related to an achievement and maintenance of a nuclear weapons free world.
Future Policy Award 2013 – Celebrating the World's Best Disarmament Policies
selection of successfull disarmament policies from around the world that were awarded the Future Policy Award in 2013, including the Latin-American nuclear weapon-free zone and the national legislation on the nuclear-weapon-free statuses of New Zealand and Mongolia.
Unspeakable Suffering: the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons
an overview of humanitarian, environmental, economic and legal aspects of the use
of nuclear weapons, published by Reaching Critical Will in March 2013 in conjunction with the international conference on humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons in Oslo.
Religions for Peace Resource Guide on Nuclear Disarmament
focuses on the special roles of religious believers, including women and youth, and the positive actions they can take to break down the walls of nuclear terror and build the cooperative human security for a nuclear weapon free world. It includes sections on the growing nuclear threat, the economic and environmental costs of nuclear weapons, ethical and religious perspectives on nuclear weapons, diplomatic opportunities to achieve a nuclear-weapon-free world, roles of youth and women, examples of actions by religious communities, useful resources including inspiring videos, and contacts for nuclear abolition organisations.
International Humanitarian Law and Nuclear Weapons: Examining the humanitarian approach to nuclear disarmament
the first edition of the Nuclear Abolition Forum, an initiative to facilitate dialogue on the process to achieve and sustain a nuclear weapons free world. This edition includes a variety of perspectives on IHL and nuclear weapons including risk analyses, an assessment of the historic 1996 International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion, the role of the UN, nuclear weapons spending & divestment, law relating to the possession of nuclear weapons and the Vancouver Declaration on the Legal Imperative for Nuclear Abolition. See also www.abolitionforum.org.
Moving Beyond Nuclear Deterrence to a Nuclear Weapons Free World
the second edition of the Nuclear Abolition Forum. This edition examines nuclear deterrence, the role it plays in security policies, its benefits and/or risks, and an exploration on how security could be achieved without nuclear deterrence in order to facilitate the establishment of a nuclear weapons free world.