IPU Parliamentary pledge for peace: PNND roundtable on LAW not War

A declaration Parliamentary diplomacy: Building bridges for peace and understanding is adopted at the 148th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. PNND Global Coordinator Alyn Ware speaks at the IPU plenary prior to adoption of the declaration. PNND also holds a related roundtable discussion at the IPU Assembly on Addressing strategic and existential threats through common security and the rule of law.

Parliamentarians from over 140 countries, meeting at the148th Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly in Geneva March 23-27, 2024, adopted a declaration Parliamentary diplomacy: Building bridges for peace and understanding, which affirmed the importance of "parliamentary diplomacy to address the growing challenges to peace and international security."

The declaration highlights the resurgence of conflicts and geopolitical tensions, the increase in social polarization a looming new global arms race, and the devastating impacts of climate change. It affirms the important role of parliamentary diplomacy - grounded in dialogue, mutual respect and the achievement of common goals - as an important means to build trust, promote cooperation, share good practices and enhance the contribution of parliaments and parliamentarians to building lasting world peace.  

PNND Global Coordinator Alyn Ware addressed the IPU General Debate prior to adoption of the declaration, calling on "Parliamentarians to ensure that their governments adhere to their obligations under the UN Charter to resolve conflicts peacefully through negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice." 

"Parliamentarians should support the call of the UN Secretary-General, affirmed in the Luanda Declaration adopted by the IPU at its 147th Assembly, that all states accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in order to ensure the peaceful and just resolution of international conflicts," said Mr Ware.

PNND also held a roundtable event at the IPU Assembly on the topic Addressing strategic and existential threats through common security and the rule of law. The event included briefings from a number of experts, followed by discussion on the role of parliamentarians in peace and security issues. The event highlighted common security approaches and mechanisms for upholding international law resolving international conflicts, including the International Court of Justice, and introduced parliamentarians to the Legal Alternatives to War (LAW not War) initiative