Past Events

Parliamentary Roundtable
Legal Alternatives to War: Advancing Peace and Disarmament through the UN and ICJ

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 | Swiss Parliament, Bern

A briefing and roundtable discussion for parliamentarians on the peace and disarmament initiatives and opportunities through the United Nations, including the UN Summit of the Future, International Court of Justice and Swiss membership of the UN Security Council. 

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Parliamentary Roundtable at the 148th IPU Assembly
Addressing strategic and existential threats through common security and the rule of law

Sunday, March 24, 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland

A roundtable event for parliamentarians to discuss strategic risks and existential threats - such as armed conflict, climate change and nuclear war - and ways to address and resolve these through common security and international law.

The event follows-up the Luanda Declaration on peace and international conflict resolution which was adopted at the 147th IPU Assembly. It will consider, in particular, opportunities arising from the UN Summit of the Future to be held in September 2024.

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Parliamentary event
The Peace, Climate Change and Disarmament Nexus

Thursday, November 23, 2023 | Online

The role of Parliaments in linking peace, climate change and disarmament actions to ensure a sustainable future.

The 7th international parliamentary event in follow-up to the publication Assuring our Common Future, a parliamentary handbook on disarmament for security and sustainable development.

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Roundtable events for US legislators and Think Tanks/NGOs
PNND Japan and Korea Parliamentary Delegation visit to DC

Thursday, September 28, 2023 | Washington DC, USA

A high-level delegation of parliamentarians from Japan and South Korea will hold roundtable meetings with legislators in Washington DC on the issue of Denuclearization in North-East Asia and with think tanks/NGOs on parliamentary action for nuclear-risk-reduction and disarmament.

The visit is being organized by PNND, the 3+3 Coalition for a North-East Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone and Citizens for Global Solutions.

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Intergenerational dialogue on solutions to existential threats
Finding Hope in the Climate - Peace - Disarmament Nexus

1320 July 2023 | Online

An intergenerational dialogue on how global governance solutions can tackle existential threats from nuclear weapons, climate change and war.

Held in two sessions: Session 1 on July 13 timed to suit participants in the Americas/Africa/Europe/Middle East. Session 2 on July 20 timed to suit participants from Asia/Pacific.

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Parliamentary dialogue at the OSCE PA Vancouver Session
Common Security, Nuclear Risk-Reduction and the UN Summit of the Future

Monday, July 3, 2023 | OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Vancouver

A roundtable dialogue on using common security approaches and mechanisms to resolve conflicts and prevent war. The event includes introductions to the Youth Hotline project and to peace and security proposals being discussed for the UN Summit of the Future (September 2024).

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Effective policies and parliamentary action
Women's Leadership, Gender Perspectives and Gender Approaches in Disarmament Action

Thursday, December 1, 2022 | Online event

Parliamentary action to ensure equal participation and sustainability in disarmament initiatives. The sixth in a series of international parliamentary events in follow-up to the publication of Assuring our Common Future: a parliamentary handbook on disarmament for security and sustainable development.

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An inter-generational event during UN Disarmament Week
Nuclear disarmament, climate change and the UN Summit of the Future

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 | New York City, USA

The UN will hold a Summit for the Future in 2024. Nuclear weapons and climate change pose existential threats to current and future generations. How should these two issues be addressed in the Summit and the Pact for the Future to be adopted at the Summit?

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Global webinar on parliamentary action for peace in outer space
For outer space to remain our common good

Thursday, September 29, 2022 | Online event

Parliamentary action to protect outer space for the benefit and common security of humanity.

The fifth in a series of international parliamentary events in follow-up to the publication of Assuring our Common Future: a parliamentary handbook on disarmament for security and sustainable development.

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Online event, Sep 20
Nuclear risk-reduction: From the NPT to the UN General Assembly

Tuesday, September 20, 2022 | Online event

A discussion on nuclear risk reduction and disarmament measures that were proposed by governments at the NPT Review Conference last month, and which could be raised again at the current session of the UN General Assembly.

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In-person event, Palais de Nations, Geneva
Nuclear risk-reduction and disarmament in a complex security environment

Monday, September 5, 2022 | United Nations, Geneva

Exploration of initiatives for advancing nuclear risk-reduction, disarmament and common security iwith a focus on follow-up to the 10th NPT Review Conference.

A commemoration event for the International Day Against Nuclear Tests.

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Common security, nuclear risks and the OSCE in the wake of the Ukraine conflict

Monday, June 27, 2022 | Online

A webinar highlighting the importance of common security mechanisms like the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), especially in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and increased nuclear threats.

This event took place one week prior to the Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, which is being held in Birmingham, UK, July 2-6. 2022.

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