
PNND France Coordinator briefs Parliament Defense Committee

First time in the history of the French Parliament that civil society policy analysts have been invited to brief the Defense Committee Read more

PNND and World Future Council launch a series of hearings and events

Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND) and the World Future Council (WFC) today announced a series of hearings, seminars and other events in parliaments around the world to implement a landmark resolution, Toward a Nuclear Weapon Free World: The Contribution of Parliaments, adopted by the 164 member parliaments of the Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Geneva on 20 March 2014. Read more

PNND members welcome World Bike Ride for Peace

PNND Italian members Filippo Fossati MP and Salvatore Capone MP welcome to Rome the World Bike Ride for Peace – a global initiative to support a world free from nuclear weapons. Cyclists include Tore Naerland (a visually impaired cyclist), Frank Tomlinson (who rides with Tore on a tandem bike), Thore Vestby (Member of PNND and Mayors for Peace) and Anita Valen (Norwegian Olympic cycling champion). Read more

World body of parliaments calls for negotiations to abolish nuclear weapons

On March 20, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), a global organisation of 164 parliaments commemorating its 125th anniversary year, adopted a landmark resolution Toward a Nuclear Weapon Free World: The Contribution of Parliaments. Read more

World body of parliaments to consider nuclear disarmament resolution: Parliaments called to take action

The Inter Parliamentary Union, a global organisation of over 160 parliaments, will meet in Geneva in March 2014 at which it will consider a ground-breaking draft resolution Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: The Contribution of Parliaments. Read more

Senator Ed Markey introduces the SANE Act during the PNND Assembly

Senator Ed Markey, Co-President of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND) introduced a bill into the U.S. Senate on Friday 28 February, that would cut $100 billion over the next decade from the U.S. nuclear weapons budget. The Smarter Approach to Nuclear Expenditures, or "SANE" Act, is co-sponsored by Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Jeff Merkley. Companion legislation has been introduced in the House by Representative Earl Blumenauer. Read more

Parliamentarians call on Nuclear Security Summit process for nuclear abolition

Legislators and disarmament experts from around the world meeting in Washington, D.C. last week called on the leaders of the nuclear-weapon States, and other States participating in the forthcoming Nuclear Security Summit to commence a high level process to achieve the global abolition of nuclear weapons. Read more

International conference in French Parliament: humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons

PNND holds international nuclear disarmament conference in the French Senate. Parliamentarians, government officials, diplomats, policy analysts and civil society discuss the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons. Read more

PNND leaders promote new parliamentary appeal on nuclear abolition

Three of the PNND Co-Presidents - Saber Chowdhury, Sue Miller and Uta Zapf - this month circulated a new parliamentary appeal on nuclear aboliton to members of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament (PNND) encouraging them to endorse, and to use the appeal to build political will from governments to negotiate for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons. Read more

French parliamentarians send letter to UN supporting nuclear disarmament process

On 18 October, five leading French parliamentarians sent a letter to key ambassadors to the United Nations in New Yotk supporting the UN Open Ended Working Group on Taking Forward Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament Negotiations (OEWG). Read more
