- Alyn Ware, Global Coordinator, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament. International Representative, Aotearoa Lawyers for Peace
Opening remarks:
- H.E. Yerlan Alimbayev, Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan
- H.E. Doreen Debrum, Permanent Representative of the Marshall Islands
- Neshan Gunasekera, World Future Council
- Ayleen Roy, Youth Fusion global youth network for the abolition of nuclear weapons
About the event
The use or threat of nuclear weapons is incompatible with the right to life due to their indiscriminate nature and catastrophic humanitarian consequences, as affirmed by international human rights law in General Comment No. 36 of the Human Rights Committee.
Despite global commitments under treaties such as the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the continued existence of nuclear arsenals poses an existential threat to humanity and undermines the principles of international humanitarian law and human rights law. This event aims to highlight the intersection between nuclear disarmament and human rights, emphasizing the imperatives to prevent nuclear war and eliminate nuclear weapons as a prerequisite for safeguarding the right to life.
A key challenge to the full implementation of these human rights is the fact that a number of States continue to rely on the threat or use of nuclear weapons for their security, in particular to deter acts of aggression and the possible use of nuclear weapons against them.
This event aims to:
- Increase understanding among stakeholders about the human rights dimensions of nuclear war prevention and nuclear disarmament;
- Strengthen advocacy for integrating human rights principles into global disarmament efforts;
- Examine evidence on the catastrophic effects of nuclear weapons testing on people, environment, and future generations;
- Consider the imperatives under international human rights law to prevent nuclear war and eliminate the threat of nuclear weapons, as well as security alternatives to effectively address the roles currently ascribed to nuclear deterrence.
Event sponsors
Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan, Permanent Mission of the Marshall Islands and Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament (PNND), supported by the Basel Peace Office, the World Future Council and Youth Fusion.